stuebinm quoted A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine
A mind is a sort of star-chart in reverse: an assembly of memory, conditioned response, and past action held together in a network of electricity and endocrine signalling, rendered down to a single moving point of consciousness.
— A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine (Page 352)
Not sure if this a very quotable sentence, but i like it so much? it does such a neat job of tying the story together, or at least relating its two main themes as almost-reflections of each other (relatedly, A Memory Called Empire is such an enormously cool title for this book, and i'm still a little disappointed that its sequel just has a Tacitus quote)
also it's just funny how it says "a single moving point of consciousness" at the precise moment in the book when Mahit is at the absolute furthest from being a 'single' person or mind.